Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Quickest Path From LPN to RN

Many practical nurses aspire to one day become RNs, and LPN to RN online programs make this transition possible in as little as six months. 

Higher wages, better upward mobility in the workplace, and greater opportunity for work in other areas all combine to make the registered nurse position an attractive one for many entry-level health care practitioners. 

In the following post, we'll take a look at several of the key benefits to using online LPN programs as your vehicle for making the transition.

Reasons to Consider Online LPN to RN Bridge Programs

Less Time Required

Without a doubt, one of the primary attractions of taking an LPN to RN program online is that it provides students with a great deal of flexibility in scheduling. Like all types of distance learning classes, this attribute makes these courses a perfect fit for parents of young children, those who are trying to juggle work and school, or anyone else who has a number of other commitments apart from their education.

Another great feature is that online classes are structured to allow the student to dictate the pace of his or her learning. For those who either feel that classes move too fast, or too slow, the freedom to move through the coursework at their own ideal speed is an enormous benefit.

For those who think that online LPN classes omit material or otherwise short-changes their students, it should come as a pleasant surprise to learn that today's distance learning students receive access to all of the same materials and learning aids that their on-campus counterparts enjoy. This generally includes access to teachers as well - albeit communication takes place via email in most classes.

Save Money

In addition to saving students money on travel, food and the other expenses associated with going to and from a physical campus, online LPN to RN bridge programs also feature lower tuitions, book costs, etc. than traditional classes. This eliminates the greatest barrier to pursuing higher education - cost - for a great many students.

It is also worth pointing out that students who go through accelerated nursing programs online will save money over the long run as well by starting their careers sooner. In terms of lifetime earnings, this can make a difference of tens of thousands of dollars.

Fewer Course Requirements

Because students of bridge programs will have already worked as licensed practical nurses, they will find that many of the course requirements can be satisfied by showing proof of relevant work experience. By eliminating hours upon hours of lab work, students are able to achieve a better work-school balance and become eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN much more quickly.

The Long-Term Benefit of LPN to RN Online Programs

It goes without saying that the greatest reason to enroll in an LPN to RN program online is that transitioning into the RN position provides a multitude of immeasurable benefits. Let's face it, most LPNs want to eventually become registered nurses. With that being the case, LPN to RN online programs offer the fastest, most cost-effective way of reaching this goal.

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